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13 Famous Brands Using Popups And Why You Should Too

Popups are a common feature on websites, used by many famous brands to engage visitors and drive conversions. In this article, we will explore 40 famous brands that effectively utilize popups and discuss why incorporating popups into your marketing strategy can benefit your business.

Key Takeaways

  • Popups can generate urgency and focus the attention of visitors, leading to higher conversion rates.

  • Designing stylish and click-worthy popups is essential for any brand, and tools like Promolayer can help achieve this.

  • Using on-brand colors and logos in popups can enhance brand recognition and visual consistency.

  • Incorporating interactive elements like emojis and clickable elements in popups can make them more engaging and memorable.

  • Contrast and clear value propositions in popups can help them stand out and attract viewer’s attention.

1. Ben & Jerry’s

1. Ben & Jerry's

Ben & Jerry’s cleverly utilizes pop-up ads to guide visitors towards their delicious range of flavors. By strategically placing a small campaign in the right bottom corner of their website, they create a non-intrusive yet effective call to action.

The pop-up’s design is not only minimalistic but also integrates seamlessly with the site’s aesthetic, ensuring that it doesn’t overshadow the product offerings. This subtle approach is key to their strategy, as it allows customers to browse through categories like Cinnamon bun dough, chocolate chip cookie, or caramel without feeling overwhelmed.

The use of pop-ups by Ben & Jerry’s is a testament to their commitment to user experience while effectively driving traffic to their product pages.

Our analysis of 514 million pop-up displays revealed that those with countdown timers, similar to the ones Ben & Jerry’s might use, see a higher conversion rate. This suggests that even well-established brands can benefit from the sense of urgency and focus that pop-ups can provide.

2. Stella & Chewy’s

2. Stella & Chewy's

Stella & Chewy’s has mastered the art of subtle yet effective pop-up advertising. Their pop-up appears in the right bottom corner of the website, ensuring minimal disruption to the user experience. The design is cleverly integrated with the site’s overall aesthetic, making the pop-up seem like a natural extension rather than an intrusion.

The use of color and space in Stella & Chewy’s pop-up ad is not just about aesthetics; it’s a strategic choice that enhances visibility without overwhelming the visitor.

This approach to pop-up design is not only user-friendly but also drives significant traffic to their product pages. Visitors are enticed to explore various flavors and products, which is a testament to the effectiveness of well-designed pop-ups in e-commerce.

3. Dolce & Gabbana

3. Dolce & Gabbana

Dolce & Gabbana, the epitome of luxury fashion, has adeptly utilized popups to engage their audience. They inform visitors about restocked popular products, a clever tactic to drive traffic to high-demand items. This approach not only highlights best sellers but does so with a refined and unobtrusive design.

The key to their success lies in the balance between visibility and elegance, ensuring the popup complements the browsing experience without overwhelming it.

The design of Dolce & Gabbana’s popups is often minimalistic, focusing on the essential information. For instance, a newsletter popup might request multiple details but presents it in a way that appears to only ask for an email address. This simplicity is crucial for luxury brands, where the aesthetic must align with the brand’s image.

  • Newsletter Popup Example:

    • Stripped-down design

    • Four input fields

    • Non-intrusive placement

By maintaining a consistent theme with their website’s luxury feel, Dolce & Gabbana’s popups serve as an extension of their brand, rather than a distraction.

4. Queen Garnet

4. Queen Garnet

Queen Garnet showcases the power of subtlety with their minimalist popup design. The popup’s dimensions are a mere 324px in width and 15px in height, making it one of the smallest yet most effective popups around. This compact size ensures that the marketing message—offering free shipping—is delivered without disrupting the user’s browsing experience.

The popup’s design is not only small but also non-intrusive, blending seamlessly with the website’s aesthetic. The choice of colors and the strategic placement contribute to a natural look that complements the brand’s image.

Creating a popup similar to Queen Garnet’s is straightforward and can be done swiftly, reflecting the brand’s commitment to efficiency and user-friendliness.

Queen Garnet’s approach to popups is a testament to the fact that sometimes, less is more. By focusing on a concise message and unobtrusive design, they manage to engage visitors without overwhelming them.

5. Nella

5. Nella

Nella’s approach to popups on their website is a masterclass in subtlety and timing. Their non-intrusive popup box is strategically placed on product pages, capturing visitors’ attention at a pivotal moment—when they’re most engaged with the products and considering a purchase. This clever placement can significantly increase the likelihood of visitors signing up for more information or inspiration.

The popup’s effectiveness lies in its ability to appear without disrupting the user experience, offering a gentle nudge towards subscription rather than a forceful push.

By understanding the user’s journey, Nella ensures that their popups are seen as helpful rather than a hindrance. It’s a delicate balance that, when struck correctly, can lead to a successful strategy in engaging and retaining customers.

6. Recess

6. Recess

Recess, known for its vibrant series of cocktails, leverages popups to effectively drive traffic to new product announcements. The use of colorful background images paired with legible text demonstrates a keen eye for design that enhances user experience. Not only does Recess utilize traditional window popups, but they also adopt an opt-in bar format for building their email list, showcasing versatility in their approach to engaging customers.

Popups, when executed with thoughtful design, can be a powerful tool in guiding visitors through a website’s sales funnel.

Additionally, Recess’s popup strategy is not just about aesthetics; it’s about timing and relevance. By presenting popups on product pages, they capture visitors’ attention at a critical moment—when interest in their products is piqued. This strategic placement can increase the likelihood of visitors opting in for more information or inspiration.

7. Marigold Coffee

7. Marigold Coffee

Marigold Coffee presents a masterclass in simplicity and focus with their website pop-up. The design is straightforward, featuring a yellow and white form that’s easy on the eyes and a single field to capture information. This approach not only makes the pop-up less intrusive but also emphasizes the brand’s message effectively.

The key to a successful pop-up is often its clarity and brevity. Marigold Coffee’s pop-up exemplifies this by offering clear benefits to the user without overwhelming them with information.

The pop-up’s content is a testament to the ‘benefits over features’ copywriting philosophy, which can be a powerful tool in converting visitors into subscribers or customers. Here are some tips to emulate Marigold Coffee’s strategy:

  • Keep the text concise and to the point.

  • Use contrasting colors to ensure readability.

  • Highlight the benefits to engage the user.

  • Maintain a clean design to avoid distraction.

By adhering to these principles, Marigold Coffee’s pop-up becomes an inviting gateway for visitors to engage with the brand, potentially boosting engagement rates and sales—a concept that resonates well with coffee aficionados and marketers alike.

8. Lil Bucks

8. Lil Bucks

Lil Bucks has embraced the power of popups with a design that captures attention without overwhelming the visitor. Their popup window is beautifully made, showcasing a smart choice of colors and a vibrant visual of their products. This approach to popups is not just about aesthetics; it’s about creating an engaging experience that resonates with the audience.

Popups, when executed well, can be a seamless part of the user journey, enhancing the shopping experience rather than interrupting it.

Lil Bucks’ strategy demonstrates that popups can be more than just a tool for announcements or promotions; they can also contribute to the brand’s narrative and customer engagement. By aligning the popup’s design with the brand’s image, they ensure a consistent and authentic interaction with visitors.

9. Partake Foods

9. Partake Foods

Partake Foods demonstrates the power of simplicity in their popup campaigns. Digital coupons serve as a compelling incentive, encouraging customers to make purchases at retail locations. The design may not be flashy, but its effectiveness lies in its straightforward approach to driving in-store sales.

  • Digital coupon campaign

  • Encourages in-store purchases

  • Simple and effective design

The use of emojis in the popup copy is a subtle yet engaging touch, adding a hint of personality to the promotion.

By focusing on readability and a smart color choice, Partake Foods ensures that their message is clear and appealing. This strategy not only promotes their products but also supports retail partners by driving foot traffic to stores.

10. Sephora

11. Sephora

Sephora, a leading beauty retailer, has mastered the art of using popups to enhance the shopping experience and boost sales. Their popups are designed to be as sleek and stylish as the products they sell. Sephora’s popups often offer exclusive deals or insider beauty tips, encouraging customers to engage and make a purchase.

One effective strategy Sephora employs is the use of timed popups. These appear after a customer has spent a certain amount of time on the site, offering a discount or a special offer just when the customer might be considering a purchase. This tactic not only incentivizes immediate buying but also adds a sense of urgency.

Sephora’s popups are not just about discounts; they’re about creating a memorable brand experience that resonates with their audience.

By leveraging popups, Sephora has seen significant results. Customers are more likely to sign up for newsletters, take advantage of promotions, and ultimately, spend more time and money on the site. The key is in the balance between being informative and unobtrusive, a line that Sephora walks expertly.

11. Gucci

12. Gucci

Gucci, a name synonymous with luxury and style, has also embraced the power of popups to engage customers. Gucci’s popups are not just about promotions; they are an experience. With their recent campaign, Gucci Ancora unveiled a festive collection that was showcased globally through special pop-ups in major cities. These popups served as a beacon for the brand’s presence, drawing in both loyal customers and curious onlookers alike.

The effectiveness of Gucci’s strategy lies in its global reach and exclusivity. Pop-ups in cities like Paris, London, Shenzhen, and Bangkok created a buzz that only a brand like Gucci can. The popups were not only available in select stores but also online, ensuring that the Gucci experience was accessible to a wider audience.

The allure of a Gucci popup is undeniable. It’s a strategic move that combines the exclusivity of limited-time offers with the global appeal of the brand.

By leveraging popups, Gucci demonstrates how luxury brands can use this marketing tool to create a sense of urgency and exclusivity. The popups are designed to be visually stunning, often using a color palette that complements the brand’s image, and they make sure to stand out while still fitting seamlessly within the brand’s theme.

12. Ramp

13. Ramp

Ramp, a brand known for its innovative approach, utilizes popups effectively to engage with visitors at critical moments. Their popups are designed to maximize engagement, especially when visitors are considering their products. This strategic placement can lead to higher sign-up rates and, ultimately, sales conversions.

Popups can serve as a powerful tool to increase sales, grow average order value (AOV), and boost customer lifetime value with proven tactics.

Ramp’s popups are not just about capturing emails; they’re about creating a seamless experience that complements the user’s journey on the site. From product announcements to sales promotions, each popup is crafted to provide value and drive action. Here’s how Ramp’s popups contribute to their success:

  • Increase sales: Help visitors shop and boost ecommerce revenue.

  • Grow AOV: Implement strategies to maximize Customer Lifetime Value.

  • Boost PPC: Improve on-site conversions to optimize advertising spend.

  • Stop abandonment: Employ tactics to reclaim lost sales and build the email list.

By integrating popups into their website, Ramp demonstrates a keen understanding of user behavior and the importance of timely, relevant interactions.

13. Only Natural Pet

14. Only Natural Pet

Only Natural Pet has taken a creative approach to their email popups, making the signup process more engaging for visitors. Instead of a standard email field, users are greeted with three paw prints. Each paw print represents a chance to win a discount or other incentives. This interactive element not only captures attention but also adds a playful touch to the user experience.

The final popup window goes a step further by offering a choice of pet—a dog, a cat, or both. This clever tactic allows Only Natural Pet to gather valuable data about their visitors, enabling them to send highly targeted marketing messages in the future.

By gamifying the signup process and personalizing the user journey, Only Natural Pet increases the likelihood of visitors engaging with their brand and becoming loyal customers.

Their popups are not just about collecting email addresses; they’re about creating a memorable interaction that resonates with pet owners. This strategy exemplifies how popups can be more than just a tool for lead generation—they can be a part of a brand’s identity and a contributor to customer satisfaction.

14. and more

15. and more

Beyond the well-known brands, there are countless examples of businesses leveraging popups to enhance user engagement and conversion rates. Popups are not just a trend; they are a strategic tool that can significantly impact your marketing efforts.

For instance, consider the effectiveness of exit-intent technology, which captures the attention of users just as they are about to leave your site. This technology is often paired with enticing offers, such as discounts or free shipping, to encourage users to complete their purchase.

Popups can be customized to fit the branding and campaign goals of any business, making them a versatile choice for marketers.

Here’s a quick look at some popup types and their potential uses:

  • Lightbox popup: Ideal for capturing emails or announcing special offers.

  • Fullscreen popups: Great for important announcements or big promotions.

  • Slide-in scroll box: Subtle yet effective for ongoing promotions.

  • Sidebar popup: Perfect for promoting content or products without being too intrusive.

  • Floating bars: Always visible, these are excellent for time-sensitive deals or important notices.

Remember, the key to successful popup implementation is to provide value to the user. Whether it’s through exclusive content, special discounts, or personalized recommendations, your popups should enhance the user experience, not detract from it.


In conclusion, the use of popups by famous brands serves as a powerful tool for driving engagement, increasing conversions, and enhancing user experience. From creating urgency to showcasing products, popups have proven to be effective in capturing the attention of website visitors. By implementing well-designed and strategic popups, brands can significantly boost their ROI and improve their overall marketing efforts. As demonstrated by the examples in this article, incorporating popups into your marketing strategy can lead to impressive results. So, why not follow in the footsteps of these successful brands and leverage the power of popups for your own business growth?

Frequently Asked Questions

How can popups help in driving traffic to a website?

Popups can drive traffic to a website by grabbing the attention of visitors with offers, promotions, or product information, leading them to click and explore further.

What is the significance of using countdown timers in popups?

Countdown timers in popups create a sense of urgency, encouraging visitors to take immediate action, which can result in higher conversion rates.

How can popups be designed to be non-intrusive yet effective?

Designing popups to cover only a small part of the screen, using appealing colors, and displaying relevant content can make them non-intrusive yet effective in capturing attention.

What impact can well-designed popups have on conversion rates?

Well-designed popups can significantly impact conversion rates by engaging visitors, increasing click-through rates, and ultimately boosting sales and ROI.

How can brands make their popups on-brand and visually appealing?

Brands can make their popups on-brand by incorporating brand fonts, logos, and colors. Using visually appealing designs and engaging copy can also enhance the overall appeal of popups.

What role does visual consistency play in the effectiveness of popups?

Visual consistency in popups, such as matching the colors and theme of the business, helps in attracting attention, improving brand recognition, and maintaining a cohesive visual identity across the website.

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