Ambient Lounge brand image

Case study

Ambient Lounge Japan

Leveraging CRO & A/B testing for a 300% conversion increase vs previous tool.

Ambient Lounge is a global high-end furniture brand established in more than 15 markets. The Japan branch has been particularly forward-thinking in its digital marketing efforts, investing time and resources into growing both its audience and conversion rate.

Ambients marketing team started their list-building journey with Privy but quickly became frustrated with low sign-up rates. After a few months of frustration, they turned to Promolayer to see how high their conversion rates could really go.


Promolayer Plus allowed Ambient lounge to quickly implement popups and slide-ins that broke through their audience’s general ‘ad-blindness,’ and to rapidly iterate A/B tests with the guidance of Promolayer’s CRO experts. These efforts resulted in a huge boost in list growth, a significant rise in overall conversion growth, and a steep decrease in bounce.

Conversion rate boost
with just 3 A/B tests
0 %
Or greater reduction in page
speed impact vs Privy
0 %
Instant boost in revenue
due to better global metrics.
0 %
Increase in
social follow rate
0 %

How we did it

Breaking through ad-blindness while maintaining brand image.

Ad- and popup blindness is an increasing problem in 2022, but an understandable one. Endless streams of popups and ads disturb the browsing experience, causing viewers to close popups without considering their content.

A/B testing revealed that a combination of animation relevant to brand messaging and teasers encouraging users to re-open closed pop-ups was the most effective driver of higher conversion rates.

We complemented this insight with smarter popup-triggering techniques that maintained higher conversion rates while lowering overall abandonment.

A/B Split testing

Rapid iteration A/B testing

Starting with the existing Ambient Lounge mail popups as a base, the CRO team at Promolayer suggested best practices and multiple ideas of what could be done to improve the response rate.

Ambient Lounge is a high-end furniture retailer and as such needed beautiful brand-image matching popups to match. Each of these ideas was turned into a beautiful split-testing variant by the Promolayer team and tests were launched.

Within two days of testing Ambient Lounge had a clear picture of what resonated with their audience and what didn’t. Allowing for the first round of testing to be completed and the first-round conversion uplift of over 50% to be achieved.

Promolayer has changed the game for us. The ability to rapidly iterate and get clear actionable answers is head and shoulders above anything else we have used.

Promolayer and Klaviyo

Email chains with Klaviyo

Ambient Lounge promotes through many channels including web, social, physical locations and email.

Email provides a unique opportunity to create targeted email chains that target the audience perfectly.

Ambient Lounge leveraged Promolayers per-display tagging features via Klaviyo to trigger specific email chains based on what popup was interacted with for hyper-personalized yet still automated email chains that bring shoppers back again and again.

Boosting SEO and reducing bounce

Site speed has a huge impact on SEO and conversion rate.

Ambient Lounge knew this, and had taken action. But after achieving a blazing average site load time of ~1 second, they were disappointed to see Privy dragging their speed scores down and slowing mobile users to a crawl.

Moving to Promolayer fixed the problem. Ambient Lounge saw a 90%+ reduction in data transfer and a 90%+ reduction in site-speed impact vs their previous providers, all while delivering deeper brand-matching customizability and a wider range of targeting options.

Seriously though, Promolayer is fast!
Line friend popups

Smarter socials with Line

Ambient Lounge globally already has an amazingly large following and vibrant community on Facebook. The Japan team wanted to replicate this success on the Line messaging platform which is far more popular in Japan.

Visitors were shown unobtrusive social links that wouldn’t disrupt the purchasing process. Smart slide-ins were used where mobile visitors would be presented with a direct social link and desktop users would see a QR code allowing them to scan with their devices and join the Ambient Lounge community.

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